We can schedule a time and date for you to pick your own hops at $4/lb or we can pick it for you for $8/lb.
1 Pound
Whose picking?
Comet’s flavor profile rests heavily on a strong accent of grapefruit. It does feature solid bittering capabilities and traditionally brewers considered it best suited as a bittering agent for American-style lagers.
Alpha Acids: 8 - 10.5%
Beta Acids: 4 - 5%
Alpha-Beta Ratio: 1.6 - 2.63
Cohumulone: (% of alpha acids): 34-37%
Total Oils in mls per 100 grams dried: 1.2 - 2
Storage(% alpha acids remaining after 6 months storage at 68° F): Unknown
Similar Hop Varieties: Galena, Summit